
A simple undersea action game.

Dive deep into the frigid abyss. Communicate with friendly creatures; avoid
dangerous ones. What mystery lurks at the bottom?

This was created for the gamma 256 competition at kokoromi. In order to comply with the competition’s rules, it’s very short –
about five minutes – and its native resolution is 36×64. It will scale to a more visible size for you, of course.

Supports Xbox 360 wired controllers. Be sure to have sound on.

Z on the keyboard or A on the Xbox 360 pad will activate a sonar pulse. Use this to interact with both friendly and unfriendly creatures.


View Changelog

Dive 1.2 – Windows XP (1.3mb)

Dive 1.2 – Mac OS X (Universal Binary) (3.4mb)

Send bug reports and feedback to jiji [at] namakoteam [dot] com.

Art, sound, code, and design by Trevor Wilson
Additional design and intro art by Toni Kuusjärvi

Built in C using SDL, SDL_gfx, SDL_image, FMOD Ex, mingw32, and Xcode
Tools used: GraphicsGale, ezMML, Audacity, Psycle, Max